ISSN: 1820-0206
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Vol. 71, No.2
(2021), Pages: 26-35
Application of the
Fuzzy AHP -VIKOR Hybrid Model in the Selection of an Unmanned
Aircraft for the Needs of Tactical Units of the Armed Forces
Aleksandar Petrovski
Vinko Žindrašić
Aca Ranđelović
Unmanned aerial
vehicles represent an indispensable segment in the range of weapons
of both military and police units. The expansion in development of
unmanned aerial vehicles for both commercial and military purposes
has created a need for constant improvement of drones and anti-drone
means. A wide range of possibilities opens up a wide range of uses
for them. The paper presents the choice of an unmanned aerial
vehicle as an important combat system for the needs of tactical
units of the army and police. The complexity of the problem is
conditioned by various tactical - technical and economic
characteristics of unmanned aerial vehicles, it has conditioned the
use of different methods of multicriteria decision making.
A hybrid model of
multicriteria decision making fuzzy AHP - VIKOR was used to select
the unmanned aerial vehicle for the needs of tactical units.
Criteria of importance for the selection of an unmanned aerial
vehicle for the needs of tactical units have been defined on the
basis of which the most optimal solution (unmanned aerial vehicle)
has been selected. The criteria are defined on the basis of
tactical-technical and economic characteristics of unmanned aerial
vehicles. The calculation of the weight coefficients of the defined
criteria was performed using the fuzzy AHP method, while the
selection of the drone (the most favorable alternative) based on the
defined criteria was performed using the VIKOR method. The obtained
result represents the starting point for further research and
implementation of unmanned aerial vehicles in tactical units of the
army and police.
Key words:
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Drone, Unmanned Combat Aircraft
Vehicle (UCAV), Fuzzy AHP, VIKOR, multi-criteria decision making.