0TEH 2014

6th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies








Material Resources Sector

Defensive Technologies Department

Military Technical Institute




Determination of the starting point of aircraft attack termination over the ground target in aircraft automatic guiding mode



Strategic Planning Department of Defence Policy Sector of Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, nikola.pekic@mod.gov.rs

Slaviša Vlačić

Department of Military Aviation of Military Academy of Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, slavisavlacic@yahoo.com

Aleksandar Knežević

Department of Military Aviation of Military Academy of Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, aleksandarkneyevic75@gmail.com


Abstract: The attack on the target is most responsible faze of combat flight and makes its basic content. The result of each attack of crew determines the success of attack, and eventually success of combat flight of units. Also, the variation of aircraft velocity changes its position (angle of attack). The size of the change is known factor, and the corresponding position of the aircraft when firing or realising the bomb is fixed in advance. If the aircraft is started the diving with a certain airspeed, and if it descends it is desirable that the plane reaches the desired angle at the same time when it comes to the desired distance of firing (or bombs realise) as soon as possible. For all three types of attacks on ground targets (attack by bombs, rockets and cannon fire) are common following important factors: the angle of diving, firing distance (bombing), airspeed during the firing (realise), the height of the starting point of attack, safe flying altitude above the ground, acceleration of aircraft during the termination of manoeuvre, the attitude of aircraft during the firing (bombs realise) and aiming corrections. Taking into account the given scope of these issues, this paper presents a methodology for determination of the starting point of aircraft attack termination over the ground target in aircraft automatic guiding mode.

Keywords: manoeuvre of attack over ground target, the minimum safe distance of firing, the minimum distance for the beginning of manoeuvre termination of the aircraft attack over ground target.



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Military Technical Institute,
Ratka Resanovica 1, Belgrade, Serbia