0TEH 2014

6th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies








Material Resources Sector

Defensive Technologies Department

Military Technical Institute




an approach to design and development simulator for comint system for decentralized data fusion simulator


ivan pokrajac

Military Technical Institute, Belgrade, ivan.pokrajac@vs.rs

nadica kozić

Military Technical Institute, Belgrade, nadica.kozic@gmail.com

predrag okiljeviĆ

Military Technical Institute, Belgrade, predrag.okiljevic@vti.vs.rs

danilo obradović

Department J-2 General-Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Belgrade, danilo.obradovic@vs.rs


Abstract: Multisensor data fusion has become important in order to integrate individual sensor data into common operational picture of battlefield. The ongoing effort on development of decentralized data fusion simulator analysis and design of a distributed fusion based tracking system require modeling behavior of different sensors such as COMINT and ELINT sensors, EO sensors, acoustic sensors, surveillance radars. In this paper we present an approach to design and development of COMINT system (only direction finders) for decentralized data fusion simulator. The proposed simulator of direction finder generates position measurements based on the detection of electromagnetic radiation from targets. Target behavior is simulated in the battlefield scenario. This gathered data are inputs to data fusion simulator. To generate position measurements several factors such as sensitivity, observation error, target activity, methods for position determination were considered. Three methods for target position determination are implemented in the simulator. These methods are two-step positioning technique (indirect technique) based on estimation of a specified parameter such as angle of arrival (AOA).

Keywords: data fusion, direction finder, position determination, simulator.

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Military Technical Institute,
Ratka Resanovica 1, Belgrade, Serbia