0TEH 2012

5th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies








Material Resources Sector

Defensive Technologies Department

Military Technical Institute





Comparison of minimal FPGA implementation
of TWO SHA-3 candidates


Luka Milinković

School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, e-mail: luka.milinkovic@etf.rs

Zoran Čiča

School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, e-mail: zoran.cica@etf.rs

Marko stanojlović

School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, stanojlovic.marko@gmail.com

Aleksandra Smiljanić

School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, e-mail: aleksandra@etf.rs



Abstract: Nowadays, it is very important to protect personal information such as documents, images, videos or communication between two devices. It is necessary to use encryption algorithms to achieve such protection. Therefore, cryptography and system security are two very important research areas. Cryptographic hash algorithms represent a class of encryption algorithms used for digital signatures, digital data authentication, user identification, etc. There is ongoing competition for new hash algorithm for the SHA-3 standard that will replace the current SHA-2 standard. We present two SHA-3 candidates, Groestl and JH, in this paper. Both algorithms were implemented on the FPGA chips using minimal chip resources, which is important for devices with limited hardware resources. The details of proposed FPGA implementations of Groestl and JH are given in the paper, along with the comparison of the hardware resources which they require.

Key words: Cryptography, FPGA implementation, hash algorithms, SHA standard.


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Military Technical Institute,
Ratka Resanovica 1, Belgrade, Serbia