Oscillators: Phenomenological
Mappings and Analogies
Katica Stevanović-Hedrih Ana Ivanović-Šašić Julijana Simonović Ljiljana Kolar-Anić Željko Čupić
New analytical and numerical results of dynamics
for both linear and nonlinear system with two
degrees of freedom are presented. For the
mechanical chain system with two degrees of
freedom, oscillations are investigated
analytically and numerically with corresponding
comparison between free and forced oscillatory
dynamics of linear and nonlinear system. Using
the Mihailo Petroviċ’s theory of elements of
mathematical phenomenology, the phenomenological
mappings in vibrations, signals, resonances and
dynamical absorptions in models with two degrees
of freedom – abstractions of different real
system dynamics are identified, as well as in
eigen time functions of multi-deformable coupled
body system dynamics, and presented.
Mathematical description of a chain mechanical
system with two mass particles coupled by linear
and nonlinear elastic springs and with two
degree of freedom is given. By the analysis of
corresponding solutions for free and forced
vibrations, series of related two-frequency
regimes and resonant states, as well as
dynamical absorption states, are identified.
Phenomenological mappings are used to explain
dynamics in two deformable body (beams, plates
or membranes) systems. Key words: nonlinear dynamics, osillations, free oscillations, forced oscillations, discrete system, continuous system, oscillator.