The Stability of Linear Continous Singular and Discrete Descriptor Time Delayed Systems over the Finite Time Interval: An Overview - Part I Continuous Case


Dragutin Debeljković

Sreten Stojanović

Tamara Nestorović


This paper gives sufficient conditions for the practical and finite time stability of linear singular continuous time delay systems of the form . When we consider the finite time stability concept, these new delay independent conditions are derived using an approach based on Lyapunov – like functions and their properties on the sub-space of consistent initial conditions. These functions do not need to have: a) properties of positivity in the whole state space and b) negative derivatives along the system trajectories.

Considering practical stability, the above mentioned approach is combined and supported by a classical Lyapunov technique to guarantee its attractivity

Key words: linear system, continual system, descriptive system, singular system, time delayed system, discrete system, system stability.





Scientific Technical Review , No.1,   2012