New solution of linear regression equations derived from related plan experiment
Dragoslav R. Petroviæ, PhD (Eng)[1])
reasoning is a very powerful tool for determining the exponents
, not requaring any experimental work except for a
coefficient equation where are mechanical system parameters. It has enabled us to deduce
the parameter relationships even with very little knowledge, and certainly no
mechanical analysis, of the mechanical system phisical problem. However,it is
inadequate in problems where there are
parameters to be included on the right-hand side.
This paper is the result of an investigation process for determining exponents
and coefficient in the above equation putting no restriction as for the
number of parameters and actual problems asociated with it. One of the
significant results eliminating need for any numerical or analytical methods for
solving a system of ordinary linear equations as a means of determining of the
exponents and corrective factor -coefficient
. It is based on the new construction plan experiment, that is
when the order and number of variables is concerned, in close relation with
linear regression equations.
Key words: linear regression, system linear equations, experiments plan.