Choice and analysis of the command and launch unit optimal solution for an anti-tank guided missile

Miodrag Kobilarev, PhD, (Eng.)[1])


This paper describes the CLU working principles for an anti-tank guided missile which gunner can fire either from his shoulder or tripod. The main functional parts and design of the CLU are described for the case when CCD cameras are used as the sensors in a coordinator. The analysis and operational presentation of the CLU are made, as well as the software main functions related to the missile launching sequence control, picture acquisition and processing, flare pixel coordinates determination and the missile guidance and control. The CLU basic characteristics, the methods for their verification and the factors influencing them, are also defined.


Key words: anti-tank missile, guided missile, guide missile, coordinator, flare, CCD camera, software, structural scheme.





[1])  Military Technical Institute (VTI), Ratka Resanovi�a 1, 11132 Belgrade