Method for
modeling hyperplain problems and model evaluation
Dragan Knežević, PhD
definition of a hyper plane class problems, modeling methods and model
assessment have been given. Methods for modeling valves as well as hyper plane
problems and model assessment are defined on the example of modeling of the
similar valves shutting time under the effect of nuclear explosion. The paper
defines methods of modeling shutting times of blast-controllable valve systems
as well as methods of evaluating model
accordance with the results of experimental research. The analytical expressions
of multiple correlation coefficients have been defined for the qualitative model
evaluation. Algorithms are the basis of a program for devising analytical
expression-model of valve shuting times, numerical values of coefficients of
partial as well as multiple corelation of the
relation for the model qualitative evaluation. An original way defined
methods presented here are useful in some other technical areas (hydraulics,
pneumatics, aerodynamics, automatic control, etc.) for defining and solving the
problems which can not be exactly described by laws of physics, what among other
things, adds to the scientific dimension of this work.
Pneumatic valve, shuting times,
modeling, algorithms, model, model evaluation, correlation coefficient, method