C O N T E N T S     No.   3 / 2003


Combustion of non-catalyzed  cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine-com-posite modified double-base propellants (Part II)

Radislav Stojanović, Miloš Filipović


A semi-empirical method for determining aerdynamic load distribution  along the helicopter blade span

Mirko Kozić


New control system concept for the tank transmission with two planetary gearboxes

Zlatomir Živanović, Goran Jerkin


Solid rocket propellant transparency effect on ignition by radiation

Dragan Lemić


Ballistic protection efficiency of composite ceramics/metal armours

Zoran Odanović, Biljana Bobić


Analysis of the detection threshold of pulsed laser tracking systems

Žarko Barbarić


Defining the combat tracked vehicles turning radius in the function of dynamic characteristics

Milorad Radetić


Identification of hydromechanical transmission behaviour during turning of high-speed tracked vehicles

Miodrag Milić


Some parameters of engine operation obtained by mathematical modelling of underwater tank driving

Milić Ivošević