Effect of roll rate on trajectory parameters of a vehicle with the modified pursuit guidance law


Danilo Ćuk

Slobodan Mandić

This paper presents the effect of roll rate on the performances of a vehicle with the modified pursuit guidance law. The mathematical model of the guidance system was developed for the calculation of three – dimensional trajectory by using “six-degree-of-freedom model” for the vehicle. Dynamics of all subsystems (actuator, aerodynamically stabilized seeker, detector and two-degree-of freedom reference gyro) are also included. The performances of the modified pursuit guidance law are described for noise free conditions in the presence of wind and flow field bias around the air vane. The relationship between miss distance and role rate obtained by numerical simulation and expressed in graphs can be used to determine the highest permissible roll rate for aerodynamic design of a vehicle. A comparative study of the pursuit and the modified pursuit guidance laws is made by using relationship miss distance –roll rate.

Ključne reči: Guidance and control, pursuit, trajectory, six-degree-of-freedom, rolling vehicle.